Audio tratto da Grindhouse A prova di morte "Non ti ha masterizzato un cd TI HA FATTO UNA CASSETTA"
- My chemical Romance "Na na na"
- Thin Lizzy "Whiskey in the jar"
- Twisted Sister "We're not gonna take it"
- Geoge Thorogood "Get a Haircut"
- The equals "Police on my back"
- Bobby Fuller Four "I fought the law"
- The Real McKenzies "Smoking Bowl"
- Rob Zombie "Never gonna stop"
- Steve Wynn "Crawling Misanthropic Blues"
- Poison "Talk dirty to me"
- Quiet Riot "Cum on feel the noise"
- Kiss "I wanna rock n roll all night"
- Gorillaz "Punk"
- The Dickies "Banana split"