- Negrita - l'eutanasia del fine settimana
- Green day - Boulevard of broken dreams
- Sex pistols - God save the queen
- Marilyn Manson - the nobodies
- Ramones - something to believe in
- Guns'n roses - mr brownstone
- Placebo - Every you every me
- Wednesday 13 - r.a.m.b.o.
- Jamosa - so addicted
- Litfiba - Maudit
- Goldfinger- superman
- Lapko - money for nothing
- Skiantos - sono un ribelle mamma
- Ruggero de i timidi - timidamente io
- The gashlight anthem - the 59's sound
- Rancid - ruby soho
- Badfinger - baby blue
- Ac dc - high voltage
- Ragdolls - the ring
- Texas - let's work it out
- Moumoon - hello, shooting star
- Blood red shoes - an animal
- The stanfields -run on the banks
- Monster truck - for the people
- Drupi - regalami un sorriso
- Timoria - La città del sole
- C.C.C.P-fedele alla lira?
- T-rex -get it on
Ascoltabile tutta qui